Tag Archives: faq

Just How Magic Are Magic Bands? Disney’s Shaking More Pixie Dust on Them Every Day!

The Real Power of Magic Bands

Magic Bands – Walt Disney Worlds Power tool

Just How Magic Are Magic Bands? Disney’s Shaking More Pixie Dust on Them Every Day!

This post is all about the almighty magic band. I’m learning day by day with each foray into the parks just how powerful these babies are. It seems that Disney is adding more and more functionality to them all the time. They really are something you NEED to have now when touring the parks to make your vacation as seamless as possible. Trust me, I was the biggest skeptic of them all when they debuted but I’m now on the bandwagon and trying to drive it! I’ve found that not only do they make my vacation easier but it keeps me worry free and literally lighter as I’m touring. Let me tell you all the magic they create for you….

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