Category Archives: Walt Disney World

Don’t forget the Fastpass! The Festival of the Lion King

don't forget the fastpass blog series

I’m starting another series for you guys. This one is about attractions that you MUST visit while at Disney World. This series will only include attractions which can be booked in advance, or ‘Fastpassed.’ Why is this important? It gives you an advantage in planning your vacation to include the best attractions possible. It also makes great use of your precious vacation time. Let me whet your tastebuds with a little FIRE! Now, read on for more! the festival of the lion king, fire baton

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Walt Disney World Ferrytale Wishes Cruise: A Review


Ferrytale wishes cruise fireworks

Photopass picture from Cruise in February

Disney special events………oh how many there are! Many of these revolve around food and a special experience for just a few people. They cost money……extra money. Are they worth it? I hope to answer that question for you here regarding this particular experience. Read on!

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Don’t Miss it! Pangani Forest Trail at Animal Kingdom


There are several attractions at Disney World which garner little attention but are pure gold. The Pangani forest trail is one of those attractions. You won’t find any fastpass lines here, nobody breaking in line for the attraction, and you may not even hear much about it. I will tell you that this type of attraction is the heart of what Animal Kingdom is – Animals. The walking trails are a wonderful way to see animals you would most likely never see otherwise. So, let’s dive into what you’ll find on the trail!

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Keeping Cool at Disney Series: How to Dress for Success


How to keep cool at disney

How to keep cool at disney


I have a new series for you guys on a HOT topic this time of year (pun intended). With the summer months upon us, keeping cool at disney is very important. There are days that the parks can feel like the temperatures are unrelenting and upwards of 100 degrees fahrenheit. Despite this tremendous heat, there are some things you can do to keep cool and stay outside without getting over heated. Read on for some suggestions. We are discussing clothing in particular today.

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Should I Join Disney Vacation Club? Is It Worth It – Your Guide to Making the Decision to Join DVC

Disney Vacation Club - Is it Worth It?

Disney Vacation Club – Is it Worth It?

Should I Join Disney Vacation Club? Is It Worth It?Your Guide to Making the Decision to Join DVC

If you’ve spent any time around they Disney resorts, you’ve probably heard of Disney Vacation Club – also known as DVC. You may have seen the booths around the parks, the advertisements on the resort television, the plug on Disney’s magical express, or the resorts themselves popping up around the property. Let’s face it, DVC is growing and it’s getting bigger every day. The question I’m asking is – Do you really know DVC? Even if you’ve considered joining, do you really understand the benefits and just how much it could benefit you to join? It is a big decision to make, but it could be one that you never regret. The intention of this post is to un-cloud some of the mystery around DVC, help you understand what it is, tell you some of the facts, and help you decide if it’s right for you! I will say I’m a bit biased because I am a member and I think it’s one of the best decisions we ever made; however, I didn’t buy in immediately. We waited until the right time and now we are so happy we did. Read on for more if you’re curious or curiouser…….

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Free Disney Printable Series: Word Cloud


Free Disney Printable

Free Disney Printable

Got a nice short post for you all today but one I hope everyone will enjoy – free printables!!! Yay for that! I found a site I really love for making these, and it’s called It’s super easy to make your own stuff there and it looks super awesome. You cannot sell your works you create on this site but can use it for personal use. Read on for what I created….

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Did you Know Disney Series: Checking Into Your Resort Online

Did you Know Disney Series: Checking Into Your Resort Online

Disney's Bay Lake Tower at the Contemporary

Disney’s Bay Lake Tower at the Contemporary

I have yet another installment for you in the Did you Know series, where I teach you facts that you may or may not have known about how to make your vacation even more magical. This series includes how-to’s with detailed screenshots for those of you who are currently not in the know! This post focused on online check in. For anyone staying on property at a Disney resort, I highly recommend doing online check in. This allows you to by-pass long lines when you arrive at the resort; and, for the veterans to Disney, can allow you to bypass the desk altogether and go straight to your room! How exciting is that?! Read on for more!

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Did you Know Disney Series: Fastpass Plus How to – It’s Free and Easy!

Hollywood tower of Terror line

Hollywood tower of Terror line

Did you Know Disney Series: Fastpass Plus How to – It’s Free and Easy!

If you want to avoid lines like the one in the picture above – you need the green mickey head in your life! Fastpass plus is free (included with admission at no additional cost) and easy to reserve. I cannot tell you how many times someone at the parks asks me how I got into that ‘special’ fastpass line. I’ve also had people ask me how much extra I paid for it. I want the word to get out, once and for all, that this is at no additional cost to you and it’s super easy to reserve. Fastpass plus saves you time and sanity! This post is all about how to reserve your rides online. Read on for the step by step!

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Just How Magic Are Magic Bands? Disney’s Shaking More Pixie Dust on Them Every Day!

The Real Power of Magic Bands

Magic Bands – Walt Disney Worlds Power tool

Just How Magic Are Magic Bands? Disney’s Shaking More Pixie Dust on Them Every Day!

This post is all about the almighty magic band. I’m learning day by day with each foray into the parks just how powerful these babies are. It seems that Disney is adding more and more functionality to them all the time. They really are something you NEED to have now when touring the parks to make your vacation as seamless as possible. Trust me, I was the biggest skeptic of them all when they debuted but I’m now on the bandwagon and trying to drive it! I’ve found that not only do they make my vacation easier but it keeps me worry free and literally lighter as I’m touring. Let me tell you all the magic they create for you….

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What Does Space Mountain Really Look Like?


Hop on the peoplemover to see space mountain!

What Does Space Mountain Really Look Like?

Here’s a hint for you guys. If Space Mountain is ever broken down, hop on that people mover stat! Chances are you’ll get to see the whole track with the lights on. Usually this means they are working on the ride or fixing something. I recently got the chance to see this and snapped all the pictures I could. Here they are after the jump!


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