Disney Gear: The Brita Filter Bottle


Brita Filter Bottle

Brita Filter Bottle

This is a series I’m going to start on items that I need/love/use when going on trips to the parks. This one is about a new gadget (if I can call it that) which I recently discovered was super valuable for long days at the parks – the Brita filter bottle. Read on for more…..

So, as many of you may or may not know…..here are a few things we KNOW about Disney World in Florida:

  1. It’s hot there pretty much year round. Even in spring, you sweat your pretty little princess butt off. 
  2. Because of the heat, you need to stay hydrated.
  3. Drinks are expensive. You can bring a camelbak or other bottled water into the park if you wish, but those can get heavy.
  4. All quickservice will serve you free ice water *very important* BUT, and this is a big but, Florida tap water isn’t the greatest.
  5. There are water fountains everywhere there are bathrooms in the World. 

With that said, it’s a great lead-in to my Brita solution. These bottles are hard-sided and have a filter built into the straw. They are wonderful! Just throw them in your park bag, empty, and tote them around. When you get thirsty, fill them up at a water fountain. The filter will take care of that taste problem and you’re in business!

We will be bringing these on all future trips. We actually bought a 24 pack of bottled water for this last trip and didn’t use a single bottle. That is huge!!! That makes this bottle a big money saver in the long run. I also use this water bottle for daily use at work, on the weekends, etc…. It’s just a great bottle overall. I highly recommend them!

For your reference, I’ve included the manufacturer’s site link below:


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One thought on “Disney Gear: The Brita Filter Bottle

  1. […] previous favorite bottle was the Brita filter bottle. I am a convert now. I’ll risk my water tasting a little different for the cold temperature I […]


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